Nothing good

October 9, 2009 at 3:14 AM
I just can't. I can not find anything good about this woman. I have given her the benefit of the doubt. You have to when kids are involved. I mean she did marry my ex and he really wasn't such a bad guy. Well till he met her. *sigh*

So many things she has done to prove she is a piece of garbage, to me, to my sisters to my son and to my ex! Yet people like her, my ex loves her, he use to have higher standards. So so sad. Even my mom likes her! If we get into any conversation about her or a situation that I tell my mom about, all my mom can do is defend her. You would think that she is her kid, not me.

At first I thought this might be jealousy on my part. You know her being with the first man I married. The guy that was suppose to be with me till death. Well yea, I am over that. It has been almost decade since we divorced and I have been over him for quite a long time now.

I have her on my Facebook. My husband has no clue why nor does my best-friend understand why she is there. It is mainly because my ex and I share a child and well with her married to my ex, she is a part of his life.

She is hugely religious. She broke up with my ex at one point because the church she attended told her to. They didn't like his attitude. She has a self richous personality and acts like she cares for everyone. Which is a load. I doubt I am the only one who sees it, but you would think that some people would notice it too.

I guess I am revisiting my major dislike for this woman for several reasons.

One, not to long ago my son has asked me why I wanted his brother dead... WHAT? I never said I wanted anyone dead let alone their kid! How the F could she tell my son such a thing?!!! She also told him my ex and my marriage fell apart because I cheated and left him for my current husband, which is a blatant lie as well!

My ex and her were together for 6 months before I met my current husband and a year before we started dating and longer than that before we met in person. (Yup long distance over the net, thats why I am in Norway now) She had worked with my ex for several years actually and told me once that she fell in love with him the day she met him. Almost what, 3 years before we ended our marriage. We use to chat a lot before I moved away, I think sometimes she forgot who she was talking to.

I have tried. I really did, but everytime something comes up with her, it makes me remember why I dislike her.
She is a horrible person and a horrible selfish mother.

I think I need to take her off my Facebook. My son isn't 18 yet, but I don't think I can stomach this woman anymore. It is sad tho, I know when I cut ties with her it will burn what was left of my relationship I had left with my ex. We were close friends even after the divorce. He use to be best-friends with my sister and my parents were very close to him as well. She has single handedly ruined his relationship with each and every one of them.

Sorry for the long vent. Hopefully I will have something better to post sometime soon.


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