
February 14, 2010 at 5:49 PM
Feeling better about things today. I am a bit up and down about all this stuff, which is quite annoying. So hopefully this accepting mood I am in best stay.
I over heard some stuff that I ummm, really didn't want to hear. People need to learn to leave rooms when they get a call and have an open mic on sometimes. I don't understand Swedish all that well, but I understood enough to get the jist of the conversation. I wasn't trying to easdrop, but the open mic and they were talking right next to it, so it was very clear and hard to ignor.

It really really wasn't something I wanted to hear. After thinking about what was said, it made me glad I am where I am with my friend. Not gonna go into detail, but I think it was actually a good thing I heard and understood a bit of it. It gave a bit of clarity.



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