Rain 75.1

April 29, 2010 at 11:49 AM
Rain rain go away, come back another day.

The rain hates me. I was gonna have guests come by the past couple days and no go. All due to the weather. These friends walk everywhere. but one has a baby and they live far enough that the wind and the rain would soak them to the bone. So no visit today or yesterday.
I do have another friend planing to come by tomorrow, but she hates walking. Driving is her thing. So there is no excuse for her to back out. We will see.

As for having friends, it is nice, but they aren't Norwegian!!! It is so hard to make friends with the Norwegians here it is crazy. Luckly there are others out there that aren't Norwegian in this town or I will be worse off than I am.
So what is better? Norwegians or Swedes when it come to making friends? Both I know are hard, but which is the more open to new relationships in general?
I think Swedes, but I would like others opinions on this. Whats your thoughts?


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